Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How to use two Google Account in Chrome

I don't know about you but I've got more than one Google account. Therefore, I often switch between one and another.

However, how do you do it without log in / log out all the time... Answer is simple: Chrome users!

You might have seen this new feature appearing in the version 15. You might have heard bad things about it. Well, like using a computer, or a car, it all depends on how you use it.

Obviously, you can use the functionality Chrome users if you are not using your own personal computer... You wouldn't want someone spooking around your personal DATA. SO, only use this on your personal computer(s)!

If you meet that criteria, then let's check it out!

So, go to "chrome://settings/personal".

There, you see a section "Users". By clicking "Add new user", it'll open a new window where you are asked to sign-in.
Signing-in syncs your DATA between two personal computers. You don't need to sign-in if you have only one.

From there, and if it is the first you use it, you'll have two users:

  • The default one that you have been using since the beginning
  • And the new one.
You can edit the user by double-clicking it.
You'll be able to give it a name and avatar.

Each user is independent from another. History, bookmarks, Google account, everything is kept inside its bubble.
So default user can be signed-in to "" and new user can be signed-in to "

A few remarks though:
  • Sync doesn't work with Business Account... Don't know why but Google has kept the Business account kinda behind the personal ones...
  • If you delete a user, all the user DATA will be deleted.
Well, I hope this is of any use to you and happy browsing! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Learning a language for free

Fancy learning a language for free? Want to help translating the web?

Here is the answer: Duolingo

From Wikipedia => Duolingo is a free language-learning website and crowdsourced text translation platform. The service is designed so that as users progress through the lessons, they simultaneously help to translate websites and other documents.[1][2] Currently, the site offers only Spanish and German courses for English speakers, though it has plans to expand to French, Italian and Chinese in the future.[3] Duolingo launched in private beta on November 30, 2011, and has accumulated a waiting list of more than 100,000 users.[3] As of January 19, 2012, the service has translated over 45,000 sentences.

I'll try it to learn spanish and hopefully, what they say will be true: you can really learn a language via Duolingo!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Screenshot App for Android devices

While searching on Android market for an App that takes screenshots directly from your phone.

Somehow, I have always thought that you had to have a rooted phone to do so. Apparently, things have changed (not surprising when you consider how fast Android OS is evolving.

So, here it is: Screenshots UX Android App. There is a trial and paid version. They give enough to play around with the trial version. I think I'll buy for the FULL app once I've used up the trial version.

Using the App is very easy. There is different modes to take a screenshot:

  • Shaking the phone
  • Some kind of notification in the tab bar... Not really good to take a quick snap.
  • Finally, the best of all is the small camera icon that you can place anywhere and that displays constantly as lon as the service is running. I love it cause you can resize the icon, stop the service by pressing a few seconds on it and obviously take a screenshot with a single tap.
Obviously, there is plenty other options like what to do after taking a screenshot, what format the screenshot must be saved, crop the screenshots, etc...

By default, it saves the screenshots in the folder DCIM/Screenshots of your sdcard.

To end this quick review, this App seems to work on non-routed phone (the list is available on Android market). So have a try and download the trial version (Only 14 screenshots available)

Screenshot of my home screen (HTC Desire Rooted)