Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Screenshot App for Android devices

While searching on Android market for an App that takes screenshots directly from your phone.

Somehow, I have always thought that you had to have a rooted phone to do so. Apparently, things have changed (not surprising when you consider how fast Android OS is evolving.

So, here it is: Screenshots UX Android App. There is a trial and paid version. They give enough to play around with the trial version. I think I'll buy for the FULL app once I've used up the trial version.

Using the App is very easy. There is different modes to take a screenshot:

  • Shaking the phone
  • Some kind of notification in the tab bar... Not really good to take a quick snap.
  • Finally, the best of all is the small camera icon that you can place anywhere and that displays constantly as lon as the service is running. I love it cause you can resize the icon, stop the service by pressing a few seconds on it and obviously take a screenshot with a single tap.
Obviously, there is plenty other options like what to do after taking a screenshot, what format the screenshot must be saved, crop the screenshots, etc...

By default, it saves the screenshots in the folder DCIM/Screenshots of your sdcard.

To end this quick review, this App seems to work on non-routed phone (the list is available on Android market). So have a try and download the trial version (Only 14 screenshots available)

Screenshot of my home screen (HTC Desire Rooted)

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